Thursday 27 January 2011

Film Pitch "No. 6"

So it starts with a wide shot of a street of houses, they all look the same, so it gives the look of a boring neighbourhood where nothing interesting happens. you can hear two people speaking, a woman and a man at a parting moment, she says "will you be ok?" he says "dont worry i will be back before you know it, i love you" over the top as the camera moves towards no.6. you can see the street name, and the house is at the end. there is a brief shot of the house number and you go through the window to see a woman in the lounge crying, there is footage of a burning oil rig on the tv which is on mute, and she is sitting on the sofa with a phone in her hand, and you can hear an answerphone of the mans voice you heard earlier.

a boy with a toy in his hand peeks round the door, and you zoom into his eyes and then it ends in a white flash, which in the rest of the film would cut to 20 yrs later and he is an adult.

The story is based around an oil rig explosion, which kills ‘mike’ who is the father of the main character will. This disaster leaves will fatherless and he grows up wanting to find who caused his fathers death. After research he finds that it was actually a terrorist attack that caused the explosion and he is out to seek revenge…


have a radio playing as a woman is in the kitchin (gender stereotype) hear on radio that there are two rapists/murderers? one has been caught but one still on the loose?

another idea, radio playing, business owner hears on radio that there are terrorists blowing up buildings but making it look like an accident. newspaper on table saying 'investigators not clear on cause of explosion' picture like Rackheath cafe <- this on front cover.

he can have a back board with pictures of his company?
did a deal with dodgey people? want payback?


have a guy getting ready to go to work on an oil rig?
hears radio saying there has been an uncovered plot to blow up oil rigs? family scared?

go to norwich airport, see helicopter fly over? waxam beach see some fly over?
family leaving, see paper on table with front page with plot to destroy on front?

ok same theme but maybe START with seeing a woman with the tv on, footage from oil rig burning, she is crying with a phone in her hands? have over the top a answerphone message? want to know what happens?

Monday 17 January 2011

opening thoughts

just watched 127 hours... awesome film, anyway opening was a sped up view of a underground station, liverpool street station and just crowds just all sped up, and i really liked that idea, because the screen was split into 3, and there was the main characters life going on, and then it was swapping between the underground, the station and crowds while his life was going on, im not sure how we could do that but it would certainly be cool...

Tuesday 11 January 2011

timewarners takeover of british publisher IPC media has given the NME brand a new lease of life. Discuss.

timewarner is an american company and has a huge empire, owning things like disney.  timewater can extend NME to america therfor increwasing profits because the audience has widened hugely from the introduction to the states. NME started as a small british music magazine but has expanded in popularity massivly. advancing tecnology has put NME magazinesa under strain because IPC Media are not selling as many magazines because people are going online to read the magazines more.

the joining of timewarner with IPc media can synergise magazines so amewrican magazines and british magazines can extend to different countries, and broaden the market, therefor making much more money. also timewarmer can advertise films that timewarner have created, therefore increasing profits because a new audience is being advertised too.

NME is hugely popular in the states already, with 2 clubs (NME NYC and NME LA), a radio station that provides 24 hour news coverage and music, and also, which is americas third most popular website. NME is also having a complete makeover, covering more indepth stories and having a new layout for their website. 

with NME's huge empire into europe and britain, timewarner is making a massive investment into the synergy of ipc media and timewarner. timewarner now has a world wide audicence, and big influence in society.  most of NME's audience is young people, age ranging from 15-34.