Tuesday 11 January 2011

timewarners takeover of british publisher IPC media has given the NME brand a new lease of life. Discuss.

timewarner is an american company and has a huge empire, owning things like disney.  timewater can extend NME to america therfor increwasing profits because the audience has widened hugely from the introduction to the states. NME started as a small british music magazine but has expanded in popularity massivly. advancing tecnology has put NME magazinesa under strain because IPC Media are not selling as many magazines because people are going online to read the magazines more.

the joining of timewarner with IPc media can synergise magazines so amewrican magazines and british magazines can extend to different countries, and broaden the market, therefor making much more money. also timewarmer can advertise films that timewarner have created, therefore increasing profits because a new audience is being advertised too.

NME is hugely popular in the states already, with 2 clubs (NME NYC and NME LA), a radio station that provides 24 hour news coverage and music, and also NME.com, which is americas third most popular website. NME is also having a complete makeover, covering more indepth stories and having a new layout for their website. 

with NME's huge empire into europe and britain, timewarner is making a massive investment into the synergy of ipc media and timewarner. timewarner now has a world wide audicence, and big influence in society.  most of NME's audience is young people, age ranging from 15-34.

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