Tuesday 8 February 2011

My Presentation


Brief Synopsis
         A top secret CIA base is hidden underneath an oil rig to spy on Russia. One of the workers (Mike Smith) is suspected of being a Russian spy sent to gather information about the CIA base. The CIA captures him, torture him, and kill him, thinking he is too much of a danger to be kept alive. They blow up the oil rig Mike was working on as a cover for his death, so his wife (Julia) thinks he is dead. Mikes young son (Jason) grows up, and follows in his father’s footsteps to go through the army when he left school. When Jason grows up he wants to find out more about how his father died, so he uses his contacts in the army to get Mikes file. He finds out that Mike’s body was never found, so Jason digs deeper to discover the truth, and expose what the CIA did...

Target Audience
My target audience is 15-24 yr olds
From my audience research this is the age group that would most likely see the film
         Establishing shot – street of houses, all houses look the same.
         Slowly zoom into house front door.
         Show picture of Mike and 2 others on the oil rig, turns over to see writing on the back “be home soon, I love you”
         Phone rings, and after some talking, she frantically runs into lounge and turns on TV, where images of a burning oil rig are shown. She starts crying, and a little boy (Jason) pokes his head around the corner with a big grin on his face – smile vanishes, zooms into eyes and ends with bright white flash.

These are some pictures I have found which are quite close to what I would like to have in my opening.
My establishing shot will show a street of houses, that all look the same to make it look like a very boring neighbourhood, and that nothing normally happens there.
The picture that Julie is looking at will look something like this, looks like Mike is having a good time, Julie thinking of fond memories.
The footage of the burning oil rig and it being covered by the news, coupled with Julie crying will easily put across the idea that something bad has happened to her husband.
The young boy that comes round door is going to have a toy digger in his hand and a big smile, and then it will disappear as soon as he sees his mum crying.

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