Monday 28 February 2011

Production company

I think i will call my production company 'jumping jack productions'. its going to have a kangaroo bounce across the screen to the center and freeze with a white cactus in the background. it will be a black background and have the outline of the kangaroo in white.

I am still thinking of ideas, other ideas include:
  • Something to do with darts ( Dartboard productions?) have the animnation following a dart and sticking in the dart board?
  • Card trick ltd. animation just have some cards being delt and then flipped to see a good hand, eg 4 Aces or a run.
  • Another card idea (straight flush productions) have cards being delt and they flip and you see a straight flush.

Monday 14 February 2011

Title sequence analysing

Quantum of Solace

The title sequence of Quantum of solace starts with the silouette of james bond on the sun. The camera pans around to see james, who unholsters his gun. This could show he is a very cautious man, who often needs to use it. There is then a creshendo leading up to him shooting his gun ( iconically james bond uses his 'trusty' Walther PPK in all james bond films and is shown in this title sequence.) The camera then follows the bullet which leaves behind a tail of red looking sand- symbolising blood, but also the sand could suggest that the bullets actions could mould the future, who he kills determines what happens next ect. The whole title sequence is set in the desert, and the sand could be symobalising that James Bond can shape his world into anything he wants. You see him walking with his gun out, walking cautiously, this could show he gets into that situation alot, and he is very carefull. The sun then goes down, and as it does, women start appearing out of the sand, showing that when it turns night, James gets lots of girls (also another iconic James Bond trait.) The apperence of the women then makes James Bond start to fall- this could show that women get him into trouble alot. Maybe it is suggesting that he falls in love with them? The idea that women get him into trouble is then reinforced by the silouette of two women in fire. The fire connotates trouble. Then there is the sun, with the camera spinning around and there are two circles of women around the sun. Then it goes back to watching james bond fall, with multiple images of him falling. this connotates that it happens again and again- maybe suggesting he doesnt learn from his mistakes. The title sequence ends with him landing, and shooting his gun again, and following the bullet, copying the opening part of the title sequence. The bullet goes past a load of women and the bullet hits sand causing a shockwave, this connatates that when the bullet hits, the consequences of his actions appeare. This ends the Title sequence.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


My film is an action thriller. 

Genre is a key aspect of a film. the genre determines what the mise en scene is, how the film is put together, sound, lights ect.

genres offer comforting reassurance in an uncomfortable world. threat is vanquished, outlaws become 'civilised' gangsters go to prison, romances end in marriage. genre is a way of tidying up the mess of life. 

The film comforms to the stereotypes of an action thriller because there will be quite high key lighting, thrilling music to inspire the audience, and the narrative will form questions in the audience's mind to draw the audience in more.

My Presentation


Brief Synopsis
         A top secret CIA base is hidden underneath an oil rig to spy on Russia. One of the workers (Mike Smith) is suspected of being a Russian spy sent to gather information about the CIA base. The CIA captures him, torture him, and kill him, thinking he is too much of a danger to be kept alive. They blow up the oil rig Mike was working on as a cover for his death, so his wife (Julia) thinks he is dead. Mikes young son (Jason) grows up, and follows in his father’s footsteps to go through the army when he left school. When Jason grows up he wants to find out more about how his father died, so he uses his contacts in the army to get Mikes file. He finds out that Mike’s body was never found, so Jason digs deeper to discover the truth, and expose what the CIA did...

Target Audience
My target audience is 15-24 yr olds
From my audience research this is the age group that would most likely see the film
         Establishing shot – street of houses, all houses look the same.
         Slowly zoom into house front door.
         Show picture of Mike and 2 others on the oil rig, turns over to see writing on the back “be home soon, I love you”
         Phone rings, and after some talking, she frantically runs into lounge and turns on TV, where images of a burning oil rig are shown. She starts crying, and a little boy (Jason) pokes his head around the corner with a big grin on his face – smile vanishes, zooms into eyes and ends with bright white flash.

These are some pictures I have found which are quite close to what I would like to have in my opening.
My establishing shot will show a street of houses, that all look the same to make it look like a very boring neighbourhood, and that nothing normally happens there.
The picture that Julie is looking at will look something like this, looks like Mike is having a good time, Julie thinking of fond memories.
The footage of the burning oil rig and it being covered by the news, coupled with Julie crying will easily put across the idea that something bad has happened to her husband.
The young boy that comes round door is going to have a toy digger in his hand and a big smile, and then it will disappear as soon as he sees his mum crying.

Monday 7 February 2011

Film Title

I have changed the Film title to "Exposed" i think it suits the story of the film better.

Presentation Feedback

Just got feedback from the presentations we did last thursday.

  • Fairly well presented
  • The opening 2 mins sound good and would certainly intrigue an audience
  • Danger of audience being overloaded in opening, dont need to tell the whole story.
  • Didnt seem 100% passionate about your idea. <--- Because I was Nervous!
  • Needed to mention audience research sooner.
  • Needed to be prompted to reveal more ideas/info.
From this feedback i will definatly have a look back at my idea and tweak little bits to the opening. I think that in my presentation i was quite boring because i was reading off the sheet, thats why they didnt think i was passionate. Also I dont think i was as prepared for the presentation as i could have been, because i only finished it the night before. Also i was the second person in, so i didnt have much time to prepare.

Overall i am quite pleased with how it went, because the main critisisms were just about the presentation, not the actual film.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

My Audience

My audience is open to 16-24 and even older, because of the story. it is also open to ABC1 and C2DE

Film Synopsis

The Story

The story so far with some adjustments...

The CIA have a top secret underwater base in the Arctic Ocean to spy on the Russians after recent military activity. The oil rig operators have no idea about the secret base under the platform. Mike Smith is a father and a husband, but is suspected of being an undercover Russian sent to gather information about the CIA's secret base. The CIA kidnap Mike and torture him to extract information about his suspected identity. The CIA decide he is too much of a threat to keep alive so they kill him, and blow up their secret base and the oil rig as a cover for his death. They tell his wife, Julie Smith and her young son. Julie can see images on the news of the burning oil rig and realises her husband is dead. The young boy grows up and joins the army - like his dad, and goes through and gets out 15 years later. He decides that he wants to find out more about his fathers death when he was younger, and uses his contacts in the army to get his more in-depth file. He finds out that his dads body was never found and that he dissapeared a week before the explosion.  intrigued by this discovery he digs deeper, and finds about the CIA base, and he travels to america to find the truth. Meanwhile his digs into secret files doesn't go un-noticed and the CIA decide to silence him before he finds out too much.