Sunday 13 March 2011


Right guys i have decided to change my opening. it will play with narrative abit more, and will be really good if i can get it right. ok so the new idea:

Start off with Julia crying, looking at a fond memory (wedding or something)  and she closes her eyes, and in black and white she re-lives the memory. (i will get the actors to dress up in the same clothes ect). she opens her eyes to weep more, looks at another picture and closes her eyes, you see flames burning and you can hear a mans scream. this slowly faids and it comes up with "2 Years earlier". the alarm is going off. julia gets up and goes along with her usual routine. she picks up a letter and starts to read it, at that point the phone rings, she stares through the hall to where the phone is and she goes through and answers it, she drops the letter and runs through and turns on the TV where the images of tthe burning oil rig are being shown. she has to sit down as tears roll down her face. Jason opens the door and stands there. the sequence ends with the letter slowly landing on the floor.

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